
Autumn is upon us, and so is the cold and flu season. In Ayurveda, this is known as Vata season. Vata is translated as Wind in Tibetan medicine, and in many climates we are likely to see some windy weather and some "windy" nervous systems as well!

There are many easy steps you can take to keep your nervous system grounded and your immunity strong during this transitional time.

If you find yourself having any of the following typical Vata symptoms then you will definitely want to take preventative measures.
*lack of concentration, distractibility
*dry skin, hair, and sinuses
*thirst, gas and bloating
*stiff, achey muscles and joints


Prevention Tips:
1. One of the best Vata pacifying therapies is abhyanga = warm sesame oil self-massage. This is best done before a hot shower. This therapy not only moisturizes the skin, but more importantly it nourishes the muscles and joints, grounds the nervous system, promotes restful sleep, and strengthens immunity.

2.  Nasya = Herbal oil nasal drops. Again, this therapy calms Vata at its point of entry, and also lubricates the sinuses so that the dryness of autumn doesn't cause inflammation and reactivity to dust, smoke and pollens.
If you suffer from nasal congestion, sinusitis, or respiratory infections, this is the number one preventative therapy for you.

3.  Superfood tonics. My favorites are Maca root, Chinese 5 Mushroom Formula, and Blue-Green Algae. All of these strengthen your immunity in different ways. Taken regularly, these superfoods prevent illness and provide maximum nutrition on a cellular level. They are also adrenal tonics, which helps to combat the effects of stress and fatigue.

4. Seasonal Foods = If you shop at the farmers' markets, you see winter squashes, sweet potatoes, beets, and kale.  These foods are perfect to balance Vata and keep the body warm and well nourished. It is best to transition away from raw foods and fruit smoothies and move into warm soups and stews as the weather gets colder. This keeps your digestion in peak health.

5. Regular acupuncture treatments. My patients that receive weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly treatments get sick the least. It is most effective to get regular acupuncture even when you don't have an acute issue. When we address subtle imbalances before they become full-blown illness, it is much easier to treat.

I hope the tips in this article help you to stay in balance with the seasons and our natural environment. This time of year is so glorious, I want you feel great so you can be out enjoying it!